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How to start SQL Server Agent when Agent XPs show disabled

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 | 7:06 PM

The other day we found that SQL Server Agent was stopped with the following message in SSMS "SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs disabled)" for one of our SQL Server instances, but the service was running according to the services console.  I tried to start the service from SQL Server Management Studio, but this did not work.  What is the issue and how do I fix this?
The other day I changed an implementation on one of our SQL Server instances. After the change, I started all of the SQL Server services from the services.msc console and everything started successfully. But when I launched SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Agent showed that is was not running with 'Agent XPs disabled' message as shown below. I tried to restart the service from SSMS, but it did not work. The interesting thing was that the service showed as 'started' when I was looking at it in the services.msc console.
SQL Agent was stopped with Agent XPs disabled
As SQL Server Agent was not running in SSMS, we were not able to access any of the contents like jobs, error logs, etc... 
It appears, that this issue appears when 'Agent XPs' advance configuration option is disabled and set to 0 for the SQL Server configuration..
Agent XPs is an advanced configuration option which enables the SQL Server Agent extended stored procedures on the server.  When this is not enable SQL Server Agent will not be active in SSMS. Most of the time when you start the SQL Server services it automatically enables 'Agent XPs', but sometime it fails to enable or sets the value to 0 and then this issue will appear.
To fix this issue we should first set the 'Agent XPs' to 1 and then run RECONFIGURE to bring it into effect.
Step 1. 
Run sp_configure to check 'Agent XPs' value.

Run SP_configure to check Agent XPs value
Step 2The above screenshot shows that advanced options is not enabled on this instance, so we must first enable advanced option to see all of the advanced configuration values.
EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options',1
EXEC SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options'

Enable all advanced options in sp_configure
You can see 'show advanced options' is set to 1 this means that advanced options are enabled and we can see and change the values.
Step 3Run sp_configure again to check the value for Agent XPs. Here we can see the run value is set to 0.
check_Agent_XPs value
Now we need to change this setting from 0 to 1 to run SQL Server Agent in SQL Server Management Studio.

Enable Agent XPs advanced options in sp_configure
Step 4Now restart your SQL Server Agent service from SQL Server Configuration Manager. This time the service should come up and we can successfully access all of the content for SQL Server Agent.
SQL Server agent started
Next Steps
  • Always use SQL Server Configuration Manager to start SQL Server services
  • If you get this message in SQL Server, check the configuration settings to enable the Agent XPs
  • Read the additional articles on SQL Server Agent

Cara Remote Mikrotik via Internet

Written By Unknown on Sunday, February 16, 2014 | 8:31 PM

Bagaimana cara remote Mikrotik via internet ya ???

cara remote mikrotik warnet speedynya jarak jauh Kasus pertama :
Modem ADSL PPOE Mode artinya modem yang dial Speedy, username dan password tersimpan di modem lebih mudahnya ketika modem kita nyalakan maka akan melakukan panggilan ke internet. IP Publik akan didapat ketika koneksi terhubung ke internet.
Berikut solusinya :
1. Perlu diketahui ip publik dari ISP , caranya masuk ke browser ketik http://www.whatismyip.com

2. Set port forward pada modem (pada contoh ini saya menggunakan modem TP LINK) 

Rule Index : 1
Application : Mikrotik
Protocol : ALL
Start Port Number : 80
End Port Number : 8291
Local IP Address : ( IP Address Mikrotik – Interface Ethernet yang konek ke Modem ADSL)
Sekarang coba remote melalui internet pake winbox, masukkan ip publik, username dan password 

arahkan connec to ke Ip address dari mikrotik yang akan kita remote :

 Jika progress remote berhasil maka akan terliat proses downloading dari ip public yang kita masukan

Berikut adalah hasilnya

Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat

Budi Anggoro

Cara Setting Transparent Proxy Mikrotik

Transparent Proxy adalah konsep proxy transparan yaitu konfigurasi proxy dimana client yang terhubung ke proxy tidak harus menyeting atau memasukkan konfigurasi proxy ke browser satu per satu. Sehingga penggunaan proxy akan lebih  Mudah

Membuat Web Proxy Mikrotik
Silakan buka Winbox dan ikuti langkah berikut :
1. Masuk ke menu IP --> Web Proxy pada Winbox
2. Untuk mengaktifkan Web Proxy centang tombol "Enabled"
3. Isikan port yang akan digunakan oleh Proxy. Isikan saja port 8080
4. Cache Administrator bisa anda ganti dengan email anda sendiri selaku Admin nya
5. Max. Cache Size menentukan berapa besar alokasi memori untuk menyimpan cache proxy nya. Silakan anda isikan sesuai kebutuhan atau bisa saja pilih unlimited.
6. Centang opsi Cache On Disk agar penyimpanan dilakukan pada harddisk Mikrotik bukannya RAM. Karena biasanya harddisk Mikrotik lebih basar daripada RAM nya.
7. Klik Apply --> OK 

Sampai disini Web Proxy sudah berhasil dibuat. Anda sudah bisa menggunakan Web Proxy Mikrotik ini namun harus mengkonfigurasi setingan Proxy pada Browser anda dulu dengan IP address Mikrotik dan port 8080. Nah, biar ga ribet seting browser dan membuatnya lebih simple kita akan mengaktifkan fungsi Transparent Proxy.

Membuat Transparent Proxy Mikrotik
Cara kerja Transparent Proxy ini dengan mengalihkan (redirect) Traffic data HTTP (destination port 80) ke port yang digunakan proxy yaitu 8080. Caranya dengan mengkonfigurasi Firewall NAT nya
 dengan chain=dstnat dan action redirect. Berikut ini command nya :
ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=8080
atau bisa melalui Winbox, masuk menu IP --> Firewall

Pada tab General 
Chain : dstnat
Protocol : tcp
Dst. Port : 80

Pada tab Action
Action : redirect
To Ports : 8080

Sekarang Proxy Mikrotik nya sudah Transparent. Untuk mengujinya, silakan anda buka menu IP --> Web Proxy di Winbox. Masuk tab Status dan klik Connections. Kalau keduanya sudah ada isinya berarti transparent Proxy Mikrotik sudah jalan.

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